SPA-program "Mountain Lavender"

SPA-program “Mountain Lavender”
- Infraredsaun, 15 min (optional)
- Full body scrub “Lavender” with massage, 60 min
- Thai Oil massage with «Lavender» oil (or Thai traditional, by choice), 60 min
- Face treatment, 60 min
Lavender oil in folk medicine is used in the treatment of insomnia. It relaxes a person so well that it can often replace even a traditional sleeping pill.
The aroma of lavender oil soothes, relieves stress and anxiety. It can be useful in the treatment of migraines, elimination of headaches, depressive conditions and used in cases of excessive nervous tension. The smell of lavender oil can eliminate nervous exhaustion and anxiety, and at the same time improve mental performance. His effect on the autonomic nervous system has been well studied - it is often used to treat insomnia and normalize the heart rhythm when it is disturbed (arrhythmia)
Lavender oil improves blood circulation, improves digestion, strengthens immunity, and also eliminates acne.
In combination with a real Thai massage, which is performed by qualified experts from Thailand, this package will give you a burst of inspiration and unforgettable relaxation!
"Mountain Lavender" will also serve as an excellent gift for your family, loved ones and loved ones!