Thai massage + B-Flexy LPG massage

This program consists of two procedures:
1) Thai massage (45 min)
2) B-Flexy LPG massage (40 min)
Two massages are a unique combination, thanks to both of them your body will be in a good shape, improve your well-being, get positive emotions and a boost of energy for the whole day!
Energetic Thai massage is an ancient system, very harmonious, simple, like everything ingenious, and at the same time very effective. The whole body is worked out and warmed up during this kind of massage: from the tips of the toes, where many points are concentrated that are responsible for various organs and systems, to the top of the head.
B-Flexy LPG massage is one of the most popular modern methods for restoring a slim, fit figure and getting rid of excess body fat. B-Flexy massage is carried out using the B-Flexy device through a special suit. Vacuum massage affects the points of the circulatory and nervous system, which improves sleep, reduces stress and coldness in your feets.
Two procedures together represent an incredible effect: improving metabolism, blood circulation, boosting the lymphatic system, reducing stress, and reducing body fat. You will not only fall in love with your body again, but also feel light, cheerful and positive!
P.S.It's not obligated to take procedures at the same time. You can share them in a few days.